An Element is a derived DOM Node that inherits all the basic functionality of it's parent class.
dimension attributes:
- clientWidth: Integer (readonly, non-W3C, IE, Gecko 6.0+)
- clientHeight: Integer (readonly, non-W3C, IE, Gecko 6.0+)
- offsetWidth: Integer (readonly, IE, CSSOM)
- offsetHeight: Integer (readonly, IE, CSSOM)
- scrollHeight: Integer (readonly, non-W3C, IE8+)
- getElementsByTagName(tagName : String): NodeList? (live) - Returns a list of elements with the given tag name. The subtree underneath the specified element is searched, excluding the element itself. The returned list is live, meaning that it automatically updates itself to keen in sync with the DOM tree as it changes. Items in the list appear in the order they appear in the subtree of the element upon which this method is called. tagName is the qualified name to look for. The wildcard "*" includes elements of all types (IE6+). For XHTML compatibility, use lower-case values for tagName.
Detailed Description
clientWidth: Integer (readonly, non-W3C, IE, Gecko 6.0+) - the inner width of the element in integer pixels(ie. the "content"), including padding but not the horizontal scrollbar height, border, or margin.
clientHeight: Integer (readonly, non-W3C, IE, Gecko 6.0+) - the inner height of the element in integer pixels, including padding but not the horizontal scrollbar height, border, or margin.
offsetWidth: Integer (readonly, IE, CSSOM) - how much horizontal space, in CSS pixels, an element takes up, including the css width of the visible content, scrollbars (if any), padding, and border.
offsetHeight: Integer (readonly, IE, CSSOM) - how much vertical space, in CSS pixelsm an element takes up, including the css height of the visible content, scrollbars (if any), padding, and border.
scrollHeight: Integer (readonly, non-W3C, IE8+) - the height of the scroll view of an element, in pixels; includes the element padding but not its margin. It is the height of an element's content including that not visible on the screen due to overflow.