Description of Bash startup and configurations files for GNU/Linux
A list of the key startup files of the bash shell:
Global shell environment profile. Executed when using an interactive login shell.
Global shell resource program. Can contain useful customizations for all logins. Source from personal .bashrc files.
Personal bash environment profile for individual users. Can source local .bashrc if there is one
# .bash_profile if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/.bashrc fi
Personal bash resource file for individual customizations. Should source a global /etc/bashrc if their is one, then override with specific customizations.
A large example found online, illustrating various possibilities for shell customization?:
# .bashrc shopt -s histverify alias ?='history' # DISPLAYS HISTORY # JUMP TO DIRECTORIES WITHIN MY HOME DIRECTORY alias 0='clear;cd ~/ARCHIVES/' alias 1='clear;cd ~/AGENDA/' alias 2='clear;cd ~/EVENTS/' alias 3='clear;cd ~/CORRESPONDENCE/' alias 4='clear;cd ~/CONTACTS/' alias 5='clear;cd ~/TEXTS/' alias 6='clear;cd ~/IMAGES/' alias 7='clear;cd ~/VIDEO/' alias 8='clear;cd ~/AUDIO/' alias 9='clear;cd ~/TRANSACTIONS/' alias X='clear;cd ~/CODE/' alias c='clear' # CLEARSCREEN alias COMPILE='gcc -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic -O3 -o' alias EB='nano ~/.bashrc' alias EBP='nano ~/.bash_profile' alias h='clear; cd ~; ls -F -G' # GOTO HOME & LIST CONTENTS alias l='clear; ls -F -G -h -l' alias la='clear; ls -F -G -a' alias ll='clear; ls -@ -A -F -G -h -l' alias p='clear; ps -a' alias pa='clear; ps -A -a' alias pl='clear; ps -A -l' alias r='clear; cd /; ls -F -G' # GOTO ROOT & LIST CONTENTS alias u='clear; cd ..; ls -F -G' # GO UP ONE LEVEL & LIST CONTENTS fn_prompt_command() { local default="\[\033[0m\]" local green="\[\033[0;32m\]" local red="\[\033[1;31m\]" PS1="\[\n\]" PS1+="$green TIMESTAMP ::$default \[\@ \d\n\]" [[ $EUID == 0 ]] && PS1+="$red LOGON :: \[\\u@\\H\n\]" # ROOT PROMPT [[ $EUID != 0 ]] && PS1+="$green LOGON ::$default \[\\u@\\H\n\]" # DEFAULT PROMPT PS1+="$green LOCATION ::$default \[\\w\n\]" PS1+="$green ARGUMENT ::$default\[ \]" } PROMPT_COMMAND=fn_prompt_command export PATH="/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:${PATH}" export MANPATH="/opt/local/share/man:${MANPATH}"