Extracted from CHANGES.txt found in the Wisdom Javascript Library
See also Todo List and Roadmap
2013-11-29 :: v0.36
- bumped internal version number
- lots of docs updates to SlidingPanel, and various Javascript topics on the wiki
- bug fixing in bootstrapping of SlidingPanel
2013-11-28 :: v0.35.1
- util.discoverProperties: modifications to show property values in certain cases, improvements to output.
- util.isArray() function
2013-11-27 :: v0.35
- ui.SlidingPanel: implemented viewableItems option
- ui.SlidingPanel: internal helper functions for cleanup and resize
- wisdom.implementation.slidingPanels[]. new SlidingPanel objects added to this array automatically upon creation.
2013-11-22 :: v0.35
- util.extend(baseObject, object, ...)
- modified ui.Tooltip to use util.extend() function for options
- util.argumentsToArray()
- rework wisdom.util.getElements() to use utii.argumentsToArray()
- cleanups and docs for wisdom.util.getElements()
2013-11-21 :: v0.34.1
- wisdom.util.getElements(a,b,c)
- check in Demo/Utils for getElements()
2013-10-25 :: v0:34
- A few errant alerts commented out or made more useful
- Bumped version number
2013-10-08 :: v0.33
- Bumped version number, even though we should have done it a while back...
- Ability to use DIVs in addition to links (<A> tags) for panels/slides in the wisdom.ui.Slideshow
- Extra docs and comments
- Some forgotten tweaks
2013-10-01 :: v0.32
- version number going to .33 next version
- new CSS functions and fixes in util
- class management functions in util
- new docs for many modules, comments and wiki
- bug-fixes and feature improvments (dynamic resizability) to Slideshow
2013-09-? :: v0.32
- ui.SlidingPanel
- Different interpolation options
- wisdom.console usage
- back and forward directions
2013-09-13 :: v0.32
- Slideshow resizability, documentation
- ui.Accordian
- ui.ContentExpansionTrigger
2013-05-16 :: v0.32
- bumped version number
- ajax response handling changed, debugged (Util.js)
2012-11-05 :: v0.31
- bumped version number (internal changes - slideshow internals moving to wisdom.implementation
- linkage versioning to all existing demos
2012-09-21 :: v0.3
- ui.SlidingPanel init defaults
- ui.SlidingPanel behaviour combinations
- ui.Sprite initialization
2012-09-15 :: v0.3
- Begun options-based initialization for Sprite
- Better logging for Sprite
2012-09-12 :: v0.3
- Bumped version number
- New distribution directory structure
2012-08-19 :: v0.2
- Beginning Sprite rework
- Bumped version number to 0.2
2012-08-19 :: v0.1
- Final 0.1x version before Sprite rework
- Documenation cleanup
- Sprite documentation in Wiki
2012-07-20 :: v0.1
- Introduced versioning system for release js and css files
- wisdom.useScene() now returns success as Boolean
- Point -> Point3D, move to stricture type system for potential optimizations
- Got rid of "wisdom." prefix on Module file names, and made relevant changes to build script
- Better wiki documentation
- Many alerts made optional via global wisdom.options
- Changes to Log to confor, to module structure standard (eg wisdom.moduleName.Constructor() )
- Changes to DropDownMenu (now DropDownMenuAdvanced) to support core wisdom structure
- module namespace wisdom.ui.PresentationFrame()
- Removal of helper functions in DropDownMenuAdvanced to Util (describeElement)
- Conditional CSS for some modules
- Integration of Sliders
- Improved build scripts
- Added jsmin'ed release js file to build script outputs
- API docs for each module (in js file headers)
- Cleaned up namespace construction code
- Regularized file headers, licenses
- Added wisdom.Core object for managing configuration globals (which remain for now in the wisdom.* namespace.
- Added comprehensive options and warnings for overwriting window.console in the Core and Log classes.
- Begun wisdom.Grid class
- Added per-module css into demo's basic build script.Baking to a single release file
- Scene.js is a application module
- wisdom.useScene(scene)
- takes care of callbacks as long as custom Scene provides relevant interfaces
- improved script namespace manners, making use of centralized window.wisdom namespace object
- class Utils renamed to Util
- filenames to "wisdom.ClassName.*" name format
- New functions in Util (getElement, getEventObject, getEventTarget)
- new default global objects, used internally by certain modules
- wisdom.util (class Util)
- wisdom.console (class Log)
This is part of the Reference Documentation for the Wisdom Javascript Library? (or wisdom.js)