An EntityView is a structure of DOM Elements that form a visual representation or "view" of an object, entity or element. This class provides objects that can be used to create neat "data-bindings" between your application-specific domain objects and a rendered HTML data views or "widgets".
The core of an EntityView is it's update() method, that executes when the EntityView is triggered to update (which can happen in different ways, depending on how it is set up). The responsibility of this function is to render (or re-render) relevant properties of the object as displayable HTML content. A simple example would be an HTML table that displays the individual properties of an object or entity as table rows, where each <TR> contains <TD>s that hold names and values of the properties.
found in: lib/EntityView.js
- wisdom.ui.EntityView(options: Options)
- update()
Internal properties and methods:
- entity: Object - the object or element that will be the focus of the EntityView.
- viewElement: Element - the element that contains the HTML content that is manipulated (or generated) to display a filtered view of the entity.
- updateType: String - one of ["manual", "timeout", "interval", "callback"]. Explained above.
- useInherited: Boolean - whether or not to include inherited properties in the default updateMethod.
- updateMethod: Function - the callback function (run as a method of the EntityView) that does the job of rendering the view.
- updateInterval: Integer - the number of milliseconds before triggering a timeout or interval based update.
This is part of the Reference Documentation for the Wisdom Javascript Library? (or wisdom.js)