This is a list of links I've gathered from my internet adventures. I've tried to order them in terms of relevance to spineFORGE endeavours as much as possible. This list will continue to grow over time. I have not yet nearly finished adding all my bookmarks!
- 3D Graphics
- Internet
- Semantic Web
- Geoweb
- Wiki
- Games
- Technology Progress
- Computing Hardware
- Software Development
- Algorithms and Data-Structures
- Regular Expressions
- Databases
- AI
- Open Source
- C/C++
- Python
- Unicode
- Javascript
- Win32
- UNIX/Linux
- Plan9
- Java
- Mozilla
- Apache
- Webserver Administration
- Web Design
- Website Navigation
- Flash
- wxWidgets/wxWindows
- Business
- Society
- Privacy
- Rights
- Art
- Flying/Aviation
- Trains
- Nature
- Weather
- Space
- Places
- Cape Town
The Immersive Digital Environment is an interactive virtual reality in which you can participate on multiple levels. It is all the digital devices and software that you interact with everyday. You already live in an immersive digital environment.
- Where the immersive digital environment is going The roadmap to the metaverse
- The Metaverse Sessions
- Digitally Distributed Environments - all things VR/GIS
- E3 Electronic Entertainment Show cancelled for the foreseeable future
- Build your own projector For your home immersion requirements!
- Amazing LIDAR camera captures textured point clouds The future of data capture
- Multi-touch screen. Oh yeah! This is revolutionary!
- Multi-touch screen. Alternative Link:
- The Entertaible Digital Family Fun. Table-top gaming anyone?
- Money in Games The birth of the virtual economy and all it brings
- British Airways and Google Earth: Fly into a virtual world near you
- End of VR-based IDE's? - "New interactive media"
- SAGE - Games for learning Games can be serious too
- Graphics, Culture and Bad Grammer - A blog from a friendly Vancouver resident I met at the Geoweb conference
- My GIS World - Another blogger I met in Vancouver, Tim. He works for the UK Ordnance Survey
- Love Pixel Ambitious pixel art
- Web3D Consortium Standards for realtime 3D communication
- Touch Sensitive Time Travel Projector
- Learn XNA Book The Microsoft Framework
- Micropayments for Gran Tourismo Car and Tracks?
- Virtual Fashion Hotting Up
- Slashdot on Virtual Fashion
- AmbX - peripherals to increase immersion
- Countries can't hide in the virtual reality
- Networked performance Immersive networking
- Manipulate 2D and 3D digital assets - directly on the screen
- Smart Table
- Though-control for video games
- on thought-control games
- Sun holds a press conference in a virtual world
- Toshiba 3D flatbed
- Toshiba 3D Display No Goggles!
- Authorities investigate tax in virtual worlds
- Ars Technica on virtual taxes
- More on virtual taxes
- Virtual Reality requires moderation just like any other activity
- Reasons why digital media products are a bad deal for consumers? The customer is always right?
- National Geographic on Virtual Reality
- The Metaverse the next big thing?
- The Media in transition MMOG's are the future
- "Interface-free" touch-interface for spatial manipulation Minority Report?
- Sketch your designs in thin air
- Do we want the Singularity?
- Physics cards are not all they seem
- The Elumenati projection dome I want five!
- 3pointD A great blog about virtual environments.
- VR Cures amputee phantom limb pain
- Slashdot on VR amputee solutions
- 3DConnexion input devices
- OgleEarth on the 3DConnexion devices
- VR Eyeglasses on the way Get ready for full-immersion
- False memories via VR
- NASA to use Unreal3 Engine for immersive training
- Slashdot on NASA Unreal
- The Unreal3 Engine
- Virtual Bicycle
- Spatial video game links depression to brain region
3D Graphics
Vision is one of our most important senses. A primary link to the outside world. 3D computer graphics allow us to present a world of our own imaginings.
- Slashdot on DirectX10
- OpenGL now controlled by Khronos Standards Group - voted by ARB Some fire under OGL's pants.
- OpenGL and the Khronos Group Press Release
- U3D - The universal 3D file format
- AMD (Just bought ATI) possibly considering releasing parts of graphics drivers as open source?
- Geometric Tools PDF's
- Comparison screenshots of a new computer game vs. photos of the places modeled The convergence of GIS and immersive media
- Nirenstein South African doing graphics
- SSRT Ray Tracer Done by a South African who now works for nVidia
- Nitrogens Projects Another SA guy.
- Image-based material editing
- New Monster nVidia System for scientific visualization: Push them polys...
- nVidia DIY SLI
- nVidia DIY SLI 2
- Intel also open sourcing graphics drivers
- Intel graphics drivers - slashdot discussion
- Distributed Rendering It has been said, "The network is the computer".
- Chromium : Beginners Guide
- Chromium : Documentation
- DMX : Getting Started
- Graphics 3D File Format Page So many standards to choose from.
- Tree Designer
- Arboro - tree generation for PovRay
- TReal Create realistic trees.
- Image-based terrain
- Typhoon labs shader designer
- Ray casting tutorial
- Java3D Scenegraph Superstructure
- SimUrban - 3D Cities
- Luxology Modo Ultra 3D-modelling
- Ken Perlin's Homepage Lots of amazing demos by a guru of graphics.
- Feeling Software's Collada tools
- Animation and rendering of biological cells
- Collada plugins for Blender
- 3D Holograms
- Holografika
- NVIDIA C Programming for GPU's General purpose computing via graphics cards
- OpenRT Realtime Ray Tracing - the end of rasterization?
- Programmuing GPU's for general computation
- 3D engine in flash
- 3D Flash demos
- Papervision 3D in flash
The internet is a huge digital entity supported by a massive telecommunications framework. It supports millions of users and user agents, distributed computing, and is a powerful social and political force. It is the substrate upon which the immersive digital environment is being created.
- The Internet Society
- The Future of the Internet according to Sun engineers Where is the web going?
- Slashdot on the future of ebooks Will people get rid of paper eventually?
- Google's City-wide free-use Wifi network
- Google going to deal in porn? Yep. I suppose you could call porn "information"
- How being on reddit or digg affects site traffic Server smashers
- Google part of the "Stop Badware" coalition - sites flagged as dodgy
- Mozilla's market share growing much larger and 1024x768 resolution currently rules The platform of the future?
- The scary possibilities of on-line shops, query URLs, and Google "Security" - is it unobtanium?
- Tim Berners-Lee discusses geospatial The inventor of the web goes location-based
- The Web is a Pipe The URL is the command line
- Jabber - Open Instant Messaging Protocol
- Madhens - Internet Ad Server
- How to provide a web API
- The Internet Application Stack Is the web converging with rich-client applications?
- The TCP/IP Guide
- Googles Growing List of Domains ( Possibly Inaccurate)
- Web economy bullshit generator
- EditGrid - Spreadsheets online
- CIA - Top search phrases
- Will your site survive a DIGG?
- Programmer Meets Designer Online job seeking
- The honeynet project Protect your site
- RFC Editor Webpage
- RSS Syndication
- Hardening Web Servers
- Writing a webserver
- Web development cheatsheets
- Scaling fast and cheap - how we built flickr
- Why use web standards?
- Nokia Chooses Opera for portable internet device
- Adobe Apollo is here
- Desktop to web and back again
- Adobe Apollo alpha
- Whats in store for YouTube?
- Dangerous words for websites
- Mozilla to be forked?
- Slashdot on the IceWeasel
- Ballmer talks Web 2.0 and Big Media
- Microformats cheat-sheet
- The Most Important W3C Spec?
- "How I explained REST to my wife"
- Well Designed URLs
- The worlds highest website Extreme use of CSS!
- Non-ASCII URL's are on the way
Semantic Web
The concept of an internet that carries meaning - where data is discoverable and ontology standards maintain interoperability and a lot more.
- Huge Set of RDF links The resource-description framework
- REST Wiki Is your web-application restful?
- Dublin Core Metadata Terms
- Dublin Core Type Vocabulary
- Ontology Overrated
- XHTML does not need the style attribute
- Semantic Obselesence
The convergence of the geospatial world of latitude and longitude, and the abstract internet of URLs.
- GeoRSS Specification Encode your feeds with location!
- Slashgeo: Forum for geospatial happenings A news site for GIS happenings
- Microsoft Virtual Earth SDK Microsofts geo-offering
- MODIS Rapid Response System Watching over our planet
- Realtime Ship activity in San Francisco Bay Track ships in real-time
- First major games on Google Maps
- Google Earth Games - The geoweb grows!
- Huge Overlays for Google Earth with LOD Use level-of-detail to allow more complex data
- ASCII Maps! The earth rendered in 8bits.
- Evolution of GIS
- Sustainablility Are mashups building a sustainable infrastructure?
- Cyber-squatting in the geo-web Who owns your virtual property?
- Cyber-squatting (SlashGeo)
- Tim Berners-Lee discusses geospatial web
- Earthbrowser: "Google Earth and KML are outdated" But people can work it.
- The Virtual Globe as a software platform
- Google Maps API Documentation
- GUIology - Google Earth
- Via Virtual Earth
- Skyline Globe Another virtual earth
- Real-time Rome
- Instant Urban Modelling
- Porting Worldwind
- Earth3D Overview
- OpenLayers - put a map on a webpage easily
- Camera Bug Massive insects invade Germany!
- Google Earth COM API Documentation
- FDO for lots of file formats Single abstraction - multiple outputs
- NASA WorldWind data packs
Geographical Information Systems. Powerful technologies that power government, science, the military, and soon, your life.
- James Fee's GIS Blog Interesting ESRI-focused blog
- Native Win32 for GRASS GIS Package - Looks like the GRASS GIS might find some Windows users finally - Native compilation with MinGW in conjunction with qGIS (Lots of jumping through hoops though... )
- Native Win32 for GRASS
- Terralib GIS Middleware Tutorial
- Sunspace - South African Satellite Manufacturers
- Earth-Science Data Interface
- Google MapKi API Wiki
- Open Source GIS Software
- GDAL Raster Processing Toolset
- Public WMS Server List WMS Servers serve tiled raster images
- Minnesota Mapserver Serve WMS Data
- NASA JPL OnEarth Home of the Blue Marble Imagery
- GeoTIFF Raster format
- TIFF File Format FAQ
- OpenGIS Documents Specification of the OpenGIS Consortium
- Mapping Hacks Website of the Book
- GML - Geographic Markup Language A new standard for conveying geodata
- GML Central
- Digital Earth - The Geoweb
- SDTS Spatial Data Transfer Format
- Virtual Globes and GIS
- WMS Cookbook
- GeoTorrent - bittorrent for spatial data
- CleanTOPO - Bathymetry
- Lat/Long to UTM Conversions
- Peter Bennets GPS Pages
- The UTM Grid Factsheet
- GIS and Python
- Visible Earth - The Blue Marble
- Mapping website visitors in realtime
- Distributed GeoLibraries
- Unit Conversion
- More Unit Convesion
- Space Shuttle Imagery
- CityGML
- Planet earth texture maps
- Styled Layer Descriptions for Geoserver
- Bye Bye Shapefile
- Operationally Significant Event Imagery
- NASA Earth Observatory Awesome earthwatching site
- Shapefile to KML
- Shapefile Conversion Tools
- Shapefile XBase attribute files
- ESRI Datamodel templates
- Wikipedia - the ultimate example
- Citizendium The new competitor
- Wikipedia forked! Citizendium
- Wikiserver
- Tiddlywiki reuseable non-linear notebook
Digital entertainment. The virtual reality that did not fail.
- Why the game industry cannot replicate the success of Pacman
- Africa - the MMOG
- Games for health
- Episodic Gaming
- In-game advertising on the rise
- Web-based third-party game mod/campaign visualizations
- Web-based third-party game mod/campaign visualizations2
- Aegis Knight - game development blog
- Nethack Tournament 2006 The old classic
- Dungeons and Dragons world maps Google maps-like interactions
- Dungeons and Dragons world maps2
- Dungeons and Dragons world maps3
- Dungeons and Dragons world maps4
- Dungeons and Dragons world maps5
- Quest item generator
- Instant Quest Generator
- Fantasy name generator
- OpenRPG - online virtual tabletop
- The escapists - pleasurable genres
- Alberta games group University AI group
- Cyber Nations online nation simulation game
- Psycochilds Blog Game development blog
- Stalker - coming soon? A game I cannot wait for. It will be an epitome of immersive digital fun!
- Pictures of Chernobyl - the location for the Stalker game
- Runescape : on-line fantasy game
- Games as a racial unifier?
- Game Middleware to be $1.3 Bilion industry by 2011
- Games for Fealth competition announced
- DevBump - a Digg for game development
- Danger from the Deep open source FREE Linux Submarine Simulator
- Gaming Tomorrow blog
- Third world farming
Technology Progress
Us humans are enterprising beings...
- Accelerating Change
- First rollable display
- Photonic Computers
- Flickr Pictures of the $100 laptop
- Intel pledges 80-core processors in 5 years
- Hybrid Mini with engines in wheels
- 16 GB Flash Drive!
- MIT: Oilrigs and Wind
- Host a website on an old computer
- Spintronics
- Quad Core Processors
- Quad Core discussion on slashdot
- Computers start ordering people around (AI restaurant manager)
- Computers start ordering people around (AI restaurant manager)2
- Computers start ordering people around (AI restaurant manager)3
- Existenz-like mouse controller
- Trolltech FOSS Cellphone - Google Earth 4 is built on Trolltech Qt for it's user interface controls. They are now reaching out to consumer hardware devices.
- Face Recognition - New Aquisition by Google The web knows where you have been. It knows your face!
- Australian company starts printing organic semiconductors
- Evolution of Desktop UI - A bit of history
- SRXTM provides REALLY SMALL detail The universe is a fractal
- Microsoft wants to replace JPEG
- Flight simulator new and old comparison
- Flight simulator new and old comparison 2
- Flight simulator new and old comparison 3
- 3D pattern matching search engine
- The molecule matcher
- Compressed-air powered car
- How the air car works
- Google calls for power supply design changes
- Chinese robots The rise of the machines
- Organic semiconductors in production
- Totally Free Energy?
- Totally Free Energy 2
- Bacteria-based hard-drives Organic storage
- Dodgy Deathstar On the unlikeliness of the Death Stars' trash compactor.
- Ultra-bright LEDs
- Antikythera Project
- Antikythera Animation
- High speed photography
- The Cool Hunter - Roll out the wall
- Thought-controlled bionic arm?
- WW2 Tank raised from submerged grave - engine starts!
- Why Windows' Clock does not display seconds (MSDN Blogs)
- Chips that generate laser light Moores law returns!
- End of the F-14 Tomcats career
- The Future will be like SciFi movies
- Maglev Train Accident in Germany
- New Robot Slides Through Intestines
- The Panasonic Toughhbook I want one!
- Surgery in Zero-G Hope no turbulence!
- Green lazer pointers I want three!!
- Genetic mapping of mouse brain complete
- Boot your PC from a flashdisk
- China firing lasers at US satellites Star wars begins!
- 5th state of matter
- Wearable Mech-style Power Suite
- Slashdot on Japanese power suits
- Teleportation beween light and matter using "entanglement"
- Nano-Virus-based memory
- The Age of Technological Transparency Don't be evil, they say...
- Glassy Metals Ultra-strong
- Intel to combine CPU and GPU?
- Writing software for spacecraft No bugs please!
- Detecting subatomic particle collisions A huge international scientific effort.
- The blackest material ever
- Lab-made diamonds give mined naturals a run for their money
- Whats after multi-core?
- The new robot laws
- Slime Mould steers robot into darkness
- International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition
- Genetically engineered machines on Slashdot
- Squeezing Diamonds into liquid! The search for fusion power
- Spatial search for the mouse cursor with the keyboard Save yourself from mouse-RSI?
- Hold all the music ever produced on your iPod
- Clone of MSPaint using HTML and CSS Web apps are here to stay
- Amazonian Indians fighting poaching and illegal mining with GPS and Google Earth
- Its the little things that count Consistancy in UI design
- Flash HDD for laptops
Software Development
Building software - making something out of nothing. Shaping thought and patterns into tools.
- The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
- Coding Horror a great blog site about software development
- Cunningham and Cunningham - an amazing OO-focused wiki
- Programmer meets designer - on-line collaboration The freelancer's job board of the future is now
- Comments one might hear from a Klingon coder
- The Greatest Software ever written?
- The Greatest Software ever written 2
- MVC - The Model-View-Controller Pattern
- Pathological programming Strange programming languages
- Online Programming Books and Tutorials Know your stuff
- Theory Intro to Programming Languages
- The Art of UNIX Programming Proven development philosophies
- Hoard Multiprocessor Memory Allocator Multi-core is here, programmers take heed
- Todo.txt - Task tracking for commandline lovers Have you done your homework?
- Art of Assembly
- Squirrel - the programming language
- Zip Utils - Codeproject
- W3C Recomendations for Multi-model User Interfaces
- Why COM Stinks
- Cross-platform abstraction libraries
- Programming POSIX threads
- Eubonicode - hackin' in the hood
- Seperating Structure and Behaviour
- KOMODO - dynamic tools for dynamic languages
- Learn how to write good documentation for software
- The Cobra Language A .NET Languges based on (primarily) Python
- TCL Dying Out? A humorous look at languages and people
- Steve Yegge at Google
- Creator of Fortran dies at 82
- How MS makes their icons
- File Formats - THE bane of software developers everywhere...
- Writing is harder than programming
- The TeX showcase
- The Software Development Religion
- How do you know your code is secure? "You don't"
Algorithms and Data-Structures
- Searching, Sorting and Hashing The basics
- Applications of Voronoi Spatial Datastructures
- Sourceforge GD-Algorithms Mailing List Very informed discussion on game development algorithms
- FAQ Graphics goodness
- Bitonic Sort
- Hash functions
- Google Sparse Hash
- PAQ Data compression programs
- Quaternions for gimbal-lock free rotation 4-dimensional wacko numbers are useful sometimes
- The MPFR Library for Multi-precision floating point When float is not enough
- MAPM, A Portable Arbitrary Precision Math Library in C
- The object-orientated numerics page
- How real are real numbers
- Unsolved Problems - Wolfram Research
- Great visual presentation of sorting algorithms
Regular Expressions
A syntax for describing pattern queries
- Regular Voodoo language of the ancients
Store stuff, relate it to other stuff.
Digital minds.
- AI Buzz - Artificial Intelligence News
- Evolving AI helicopter flight You are an algorithm
Open Source
Like the tool? See how it works.
C and C++ are statically-typed, compiled languages with reputations for being fast, but dangerous. These languages are dominant in system and library development where performance is critical. C is a minimal procedural language, while C++ is it's object-oriented big brother.
- C/C++ Reference
- C++ Standard Library (Wikipedia)
- Standard C IO
- C++ FAQ Lite
- C++ Constructor and Destructor tips
- UNIX Sockets FAQ
- UNIX Sockets FAQ Post
- GCC Tutorial
- Compiling C and C++ on UNIX
- A Simple Makefile Tutorial
- An Intro to GCC
- Creating Libraries
- C UNIX Tuts
- GNU Pth - Portable Threads
- C++ Exception Handling
- Monolithic Classes
- MinGW - Minimal GNU for Windows
- MinGW and GCC
- CPPServe application server
- Boost C++ Libraries
- SGI STL Programmers Guide
- Restricting object allocation methods
- Using object heaps
If you want to join the global village - this is what your code needs to support
The basic transport protocol for web pages or web applications.
- URLs - the axioms of web architecture
- Understanding HTTP Headers With some PHP to boot
- HTTP Caching
- URI Addressibility
The language of the web - the hypertext markup language.
- XHTML 1.0 Second edition
- XHTML 2.0 Latest working draft (as of September 13, 2006)
- XHTML Modules (Wikipedia)
- W3Future - this page is XHTML
- The confusing state of HTML, XML and XHTML
- Common ideas between HTML and XHTML
- XHTML drops some much-used elements
- Slashdot - whats in your HTML toolbox?
- Common validation problems
- Site validation
- Validation Tyranny
- 24 Ways - traditional vs strict markup
- March to your own standard
- Help for the W3C Validator service
- Dave Raggets intro to HTML
- Dave Raggets Advanced HTML Guide
- Conversion to XHTML - alignment problems
- A list apart - rated XHTML
- Serving the correct mime types with PHP
- The HTMLHelp Validator Check your code online
- Accessible Forms
- XML Prolog for XHTML?
The eXtensible Markup Language. The basis for many internet technologies.
- XML 1.0 Second Edition (W3C)
- Namespaces in XML
- XML Namespace - Wikipedia
- Plain Text in XML
- Tags versus Attributes
- Using elements and attributes
- Xerces XML Parser Mailing List
- Simplifying XML Manipulation
- XML Schema
- JSON - An Alternative?
- XML Sucks
- "It sucks - but it's here to stay"
- "Take my advise - don't learn XML"
- pyXML
- Augmented plain text - write XHTML simply
- reStructured Text - Easier XML/HTML authoring
- reStructured Text - Easier XML/HTML authoring 2
- reStructured Text - Easier XML/HTML authoring 3
- reStructured Text - Easier XML/HTML authoring 4
- Using Expat
- Augmented Plain Text
- XML Alternatives
Cascading Style Sheets allow you to define styles for web documents, based on style classes.
- Cascading Style Sheets - Level 1 Official Specification
- Cascading Style Sheets - Level 2 Official Specification
- CSS - Under construction Current work
- CSS Discuss
- Avoid CSS Hacks
- A preview of whats to come for CSS3
- 12 Lessons for CSS and Standards
- List types in CSS
- Intro to filters and transitions
- First Person Perspective with CSS! Uh Oh!
- Positioning with pixels
- CSS positioning and dynamic re-positioning
- The form assembly - CSS stylesheets for web forms
- CSS Background Images (24 ways)
- CSS selectors to apply Javascript behaviours
- CSS Layouts - starting points
- Step by step CSS float tutorial
- Top10 CSS Tutorials
- CSS Navigation techniques
- Accessible Tab rollovers
- Inverted Sliding Doors Tab
- Simple CSS Tabs
- Stop CSS hacking or be stopped
- Annotating images with CSS
- Browser rule application
- Dynamic Drive: CSS Library
- CSS Streaker !!
- CSS Image maps Flickr-like technique
- CSS Photo-gallery template
- JoshuaInk Gallery Example
- Hoverbox image gallery
- Suckerfish
- Another float tutorial
- Stylesheet sanity
- CSS Centering - fun for all
- Bluerobot on centering in ie Use text-align
- A list apart - elastic design
- Size text using ems
- Floats and containment
- CSS Layers
- Floats and Margins - IE problems
- Use less images
The document object model is a W3C standard for interfacing with XML documents. This metaphor is being extended to other technologies as well. It allows developers to use familiar ways of accessing document parts and attributes.
The common gateway interface is used to allow queries to web-servers that can manipulate server-data or return a dynamic web-page
Also called ECMAscript, the standard scripting language for the internet. Mostly used as a DOM (Document object model) manipulator.
- Crockford on Javascript
- Quirksmode - a web development godsend
- Strings in Javascript
- String reference
- Javascript Knowledge base : Images
- Javascript includes
- Drag and Drop with Javascript
- How to drag and drop
- Prototype Javascript Framework
- Javascript images and slideshows
- Introduction to Events
- Javascript events on Quirksmode
- Enhancing Structural Markup
- Digital web magazine - Keep Javascript Simple
- Javascript - Find element position
- Core Javascript Guide - Mozilla
- Mouse wheel
- CSS Properties in Javascript
- Brainjacked - OO Javascript
- How to reach an HTML element
- Learn Javascript
- Scripting for the 6.0 browsers
- Javascript Objects
- DOM Nodes and Tree with javascript
- OO Javascript - Codeproject
- Private Members in Javascript
- Executing JS on Pageload
- Yahoo UI Library - Event
- Event Handlers and Callback functions
- Closures and page load
- A Javascript StringBuilder
- DOM and CSS with Javascript
- Get Styles
- Optimizing Javascript
- New in JS 1.7 (Mozilla)
- Introducting JSON
- Lightbox in Javascript
- Javascript and HTML - Possibilities and Caveats
- Scroll DIV content
- Mission impossible - mouse positions
- Image transitions
- Detect image size
- Javascript FAQ Knowledge Base
- Image zooming magnifier
- Image thumbnail zoom
- Avoid memory leaks
- 3D Triangle Rendering in HTML and CSS
- JSDB - Standalone Javascript with libraries
Server-side processing language for hypertext documents.
- Introducing PHP 5's Standard Library
- PHP Standard Library pt 1
- PHP Security Vulnerabilities
- Advanced OOP with PHP
- Quick and easy site content with PHP and RSS
- Random Numbers with PHP
- Pick a random image Freshen upstatic pages with dynamic images
- Randomizing elements of your site
- Making sure you send the correct mime types
- PHP File-management functions
- Using the DIGG API with PHP
- Critisicms of PHP
- More PHP Criticisms
People are realising they can use the server and the browser to build true client/server applications without the page reload metaphor of HTML.
- 10 Places you must use ajax
- AJAX : Wikipedia
- Very dynamic web interfaces
- Responsible asyncronous scripting
- Getting started with AJAX (Mozilla Dev)
- Easy AJAX with Prototype
- AJAX Tutorial
- Edit in place with AJAX
- AJAX and usability
- Unique URLs
- Yet another way of Remote-Procudure-Calling
- The Hello World of AJAX
- Apatosaurus Ajax ;)
A building block of the Semantic web - describe stuff and how it relates to other stuff.
Windows development links
- Linux Command Help and Tutorials A great resource !
- Linux SuperMan pages
- Linux HOWTO index
- UNIX in a nutshell
- UNIX Security
- Unicode support in Linux
- BSD Sockets - Quick and Dirt Primer
- GOBOLinux - a new filesystem hierarchy
- Lots of tutorials
- Linux in 2006 The fork of the linux community?
- Teensy Linux Executables
- Linus Message - Use KDE
- Sed and AWK
An interesting operating system based on UNIX, but with a much more consistant philosophy
- Plan 9 on Wikipedia A very interesting operating system
THE browser.
Webserver Administration
How to setup and maintain your own web server
- Server Admin
- Webserver talk
- Learning to publish
- PHP and server admin
- Getting started with webserver admin
- Web hosting with Linux
- Linux Webserver configuration
- LinuxPlanet - setting up your own web server
- HTAccess with Apache
- Set up a custom 404 page I better get around to this ;)
- Tiny web servers
- Admin Sites, Tools and Help
Web Design
These links provide overviews, tutorials, articles and opinions about web design today. Web design is the practive of using web technologies such as HTML and CSS to build innovative, attractive websites and web applications.
- Current style in web design
- Todays web design
- "Web pages that suck"
- Web design practices
- Open Source Webdesign Good templates
- Open web design - most popular
- Design meltdown
- UI Design in Web applications
- Combining colors
- A sexy page
- Width-based layout
- Banner blindness - human cognition and web design
- Highs and Lows of web design in 2005
- Anatomy of web fonts
- 24 ways
- Web development trends for 2006
- Top ten web design mistakes in 2005
- Web color schemes
- Design issues for the world-wide-web
- Fine screen-designs
- Web 2.0 without the web
- Build your site to web standards
- Useability research - key findings
- Bad User Interface design can be deadly
- What is web accessibility
- Data tables and CSS
- Tables with Style
- A showcase of rich typography
- Typography for headlines
- Design Guidelines for visualizing links
- 10 most violated home-page guidelines
- About Us presenting information about an organisation
- Mint - a fresh look at your site
- Swooshy curly quotes
- Sorted Table Example
- Broader Border Corners
- Nifty Corners Rounded corners are all the rage
- CSS Layout starting points
- Wet Chrome Web 2.0 mainstay
- Nice headings
- Johnny Hackstuff - Funky graphics-heavy page
- Image Zooming
- 10 best designed blogs
- How C.R.A.P is your site design?
- Robak Design Familiar gray and orange!
- Nice-looking site with fades
- Web design trends - the death clock
- Web developers handbook
- The layout cookbook
- Techdirt - cool UI
- Mezzoblue - columns and grids
- Yahoo design pattern library
- Cool tabs
- METAL!!!!
- Good grays
- Web 2.0 design tuts
- Create a style guide for your site
- User experience top violations (MSDN)
- Textpattern for content
- Alertbox on web useability
- Resolution-dependant layout
- Size text with ems
- Standards Based Development
- Centering Images is hard It shouldn't be!
- More Centering Images Tables can help out...
- Bullet Madness Lots of bullet graphics
- An amazing forum theme For phpBB
- Don't do browser detects
- Greens
- Remember geocities My eyes!!
Website Navigation
- The art of navigation
- Navigation matrix reloaded
- A nice menu
- CSS Nav techniques
- Web development articles by Christian Heilmann
- Autoselecting Navigation
- Accessible tab roll-overs
- Example tabs
- Fast rollovers without preload
- Complex dynamic lists Your order please!
- Chrome CSS dropdown menu
- One list - many options
- Practical CSS code and examples
- CSS-based navigation
- Keeping navigation current with PHP
- Dropdown Llama menu
- CSS menus
- Menu galleries
- Destroydrop tree API
- Rollover lists
- Eric Meyers, strengthening the links
- Expanding nexted lists
- Brainjar CSS tabs
- Unordered list rollovers
- YADM Yet another dynamic menu
- Milonic DHTML Manual
- Common Controls - Tree (MSDN)
- Top 71 CSS Menus and Tabs
- Using iFrames to shield DHTML menus from other overlapping elements
- Flash, DHTML menus and Accessibility
- Funky CSS menus with background images
- Making sure flash displays underneath your CSS menus From Adobe
- Flash and DHTML
- Discussion on FLash and DHTML Layers Z-index info
- More Flash and DHTML Menus Some discussion
- Flash Content and Z-index : joshuaink
- Activating Dynamic Content in IE
- Adobe on the IE workaround
- XHTML-compliant embedding of flash
LISP is one of the oldest computer languages - and also one of the most powerful. I've not used it at all - but it makes an interesting research topic.
- Defmacro - the nature of Lisp
- comp.lang.lisp on Google Groups
- Movitz
- Chicken - a dialect of scheme
- Parenscript Compile LISP to Javascript and HTML!
- Comments on PG's Common Lisp
- Winternals have a good reputation for providing quality system administration tools for windows
- Royal Society releases important journal archive
- Greatest Journal Series in Science
- The village bicycle project
- Can the bicycle save civilisation?
- Bicycle manufacturers to focus on commuter models
- Accelerating future : Massive skyscraper
- Bill Braggets Final Exposures Last images from a 9/11 photographer
- Articles by a capitalist
- Zen and the art of procrastination
- The Viking Network I like norse music
- Viking Language Sound Files
- The Stormtrooper effect
- Redshirts - cannon fodder
- Open Source Energy via Shuttleworth?
- Technological transparency
- Issues with proprietary software in the One-Laptop-Per-Child project
- Addicted to Virtual Reality Everything in moderation!
- Man and his need to know
- Worlds oldest combat veteran dies
- South Korea is drafting the ethical code for the robotic future
- Open Source yourself The openhuman project
- Slashdot on the OpenHuman Project
- Neuroscience brings free will into the spotlight
- Google to continue storing search results after AOLs mess up
- Upgrade and Patch now!
- Privacy and GPS "People are very willing to give up their privacy - they just need a good reason to do it."
- Topless Sunbathing in Google Earth Big Brother is watching you
- This message will self-destruct 5,4...
- Privacy Under Attack
- The end of Brazilian Anonymity?
- Face-recognition concerns
- Can an operating system tell if it's virtualized
- Self-modifying EULA?
- Vista Startup Sound to be mandatory?
- Google hurts Belgium users eyes
- case - use robots.txt
- Medical Patents - Micheal Crichton Essay by the writer of Jurassic Park
- Should Institutions cache remote data? Google vs Belgium
- Top 10 reasons agains DRM
- Slashdot on GPL3 and Sun
- Copyright-violation scanner
- Inflight photography
- Phillip Greenspun's Flying Pages:
- Evolving AI helicopter flight with neural nets
- Flight simulator new and old comparisons
- Flight simulator new and old comparisons 2
- Flight simulator new and old comparisons 3
- Man with a jetpack - WHAAT!?
- Flightgear Flight Simulator
- AAD2006 : Huge SA Airshow I'm going!
- FSInsider Article index
- Flight simulator developer blog 1
- Flight simulator developer blog 2
- Flight simulator developer blog 3
- Flight simulator developer blog 4
- Flight simulator developer blog 5
- Flight simulator developer blog 6
- F-22 first deployment spoiled by software bugs
Our planet, our universe, ourselves, our prey, and our predators.
- Science in Africa online Magazing
- Evidence of Dark Matter Discovered - Beam me up! - Who really knows these days...
- Dark Matter Exists
- Slashdot on Dark Matter
- The Bullet Cluster
- Huge, life-size whale image
- WWF Wildfinder Find animals near you
- Owen and Mzee
- Crows
- Mokele Mbembe The blocker of rivers
- Magnetic Molecules in animals
- Concern over creating black holes in the lab
- Freaky Lab Animals
- Dinosaurs
- Evolutionary Timeline
- Biodiversity Explorer
- Polyphasic Sleep
- Rare counting ability
- Heakel Images Great scientific images
- Human SEM images
- Genpets : Bioengineered Buddies!
- CryptoSafari Wierd Nature
- Megatransect Trek across darkest Africa
- Monster Blog!
- Surface TV show The undersea is the next frontier!
- Mirage lasts for 4 hours
- Remains found of missing-link baby
- Psycological tests stimulate feelings of alien-control
- The Sun makes me sneeze Can cause trouble for fighter pilots
- Photonic Sneeze Reflex
- The inner life of a cell in 3D
- The Hairy Museum of Natural History
- Algorithmic Botany
- Organisms live totally without the sun Surviving off radioactivity!
- Dinosaur Mailing Lists
- Dinosaur Skeletal Drawing Page
- Antimatter has cancer-treating potential
- Slashdot on Antimatter Anticancer
- The Gymnosperm Database
- What Tree is that?
- Woods Shock - getting lost
- Global warming debunked?
- Plant a billion trees campaign
- Deep sea discovery Check the google image links!
- Keep zooming in Our fractal universe...
The ultimate dependancy.
- Hurricane Mitch - the "Hoff" of hurricanes
- Ice Geysers on Mars
- Ice at the North Pole massively reduced Sail a ship their directly.
Software developers do not generally live healthy life-styles - heres my start to changing that:
- Stellarium
- Solar System Dynamics
- Nine Planets
- The Orion Space Exploration Vehicle
- Apollo Lunar Surface Journal
- NOVAS Celestial positions
- Eris - largest known dwarf planet in the solar system
- Dysnomia - Moon of Eris
- Additions to the International Space Station!
- The Celestia Motherlode
- Bigelow Aerospace - Habitats in space
- Space tourism
- Space tourism on slashdot
- Lilith - the hypothetical moon
- The US adjusts it's policies on Space Defense
- Robotic satellite mechanic launching
- Wirefly The X Prize Cup
- Strange deposits on mars Water?
- Amazon Boss shows off spacecraft
- British Museum Reading Room I wanna hang out here!
- Massive underground flood tunnels
- St Petersburg - Russia A Dark City
Cape Town
The city where spineFORGE is currently located.